Monday, June 5, 2017

Abe's 2nd Birthday Party

This doesn't seem like it can be true, but this baby turned 2 years old today!

Last year we thew him an Honest Abe party. 

This year we went for a construction theme.  I was looking for a much simpler party planning process this year.  The construction theme was so easy because we already had a lot of the decor and anything else I needed was easy to find in stores since it is such a popular theme.  There are also tons of ideas on Pinterest which is where I found inspiration for the invite.

The construction theme was kind of a happy coincidence since the road my parents live on is literally closed... And that's where the party was! So people had to drive around the road closed signs to get to the party. Free decorations! 

And obviously, we had to stop for a photo op. 

Construction Birthday Party

We knew it was going to be a warm day so we planned to give Abe his gift right at the start of the party so the kids could play with it if they didn't want to get in the pool.  It was a hit!  It's the Step 2 Rain Shower Splash Water Table.

We also had a corn pit for the kiddos play with.

And then, of course, the pool was also available but was still pretty cold since we had just opened it the weekend before.  

Although, there were a few that were brave enough to jump in.  
I didn't really manage to get any pictures of the food table but it wasn't anything very elaborate anyway.  I used a couple of Abe's toy dump trucks and back hoes to decorate with and store utensils in.  I didn't label each food like I've done in the past which saved me some work.  Although I did make a cute sign that said "Dig In" with a picture of a shovel that Michael drew (he's better at drawing than I am, it's one of his engineering talent).  The sign was simple and cute and got the point across.... which was exactly my goal for decor this time around.  Speaking of signs.  We borrowed this one from my Aunt and Uncle (remember saint Steve?), perfect!

We eat burgers, hot dogs, chips, and fruit. 

I got all the kids little construction hats and I made up little favors with a small dump truck, smarties, a fruit snack, and sparklers for them as well. 
Small construction cones were found at the Dollar Tree.  Construction hats and mini dump trucks were from amazon.

And for dessert I made dirt pudding instead of cake. 

Abe needed some help blowing out the candles. 

 ...But no help eating!

Finally it was time for gifts! And I think we managed to have the best gift table ever!

Construction Birthday Party

Construction Birthday Party

We ended the evening with more swimming and then a few sparklers. 
Looks like the Birthday Boy gave this party a big thumbs up!


We can't believe our little baby cakes is already 2.  We couldn't be more grateful for him.  

*Photo cred to Bill Kercher