Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Us!

3 years ago today, one nerd and one future nurse got married.  They looked like this on that day.....

They were pretty happy.  They are STILL pretty happy. 

I have made it a tradition every year to make a photo book of the previous year of marriage.  Now that it's our anniversary, I can start making our "Year 3" book! Since we are such big picture takers, I felt like we had all these pictures, but needed a way to condense them and display them without having them everywhere in our home.  A photo book became a great way to actually use our pictures and for us to keep track of the memories we make together.
Along with pictures from weddings, birthdays, showers, parties, vacations etc... my favorite part of the book is the "Highlights" sections.  Its the place where I make a list of events from the year, some being more significant than others obviously, but things I want to remember nonetheless.  I thought I would share some of these highlights from our 3rd year of marriage:

We became an Aunt and Uncle! Welcome baby Max!

We took a gun safety class

Michael and I ran the County Fair 5K Road Run

I was rebaptized and Michael was a integral part of it

We started looking for a house

I went on a road trip with two wonderful ladies

We had various friends come for visits

We started leading a small group

We took a family vacation to Aruba

We got to visit our friend Peter at medschool where he took us to see the cadavers 

We bought a house

We started renovating our house

Michael's sister graduated from college

We started a blog :-)

We lived it up in Chicago with the Benders

I will likely add some more highlights to the list, but those are the ones I chose to share today.  Michael and I have been soooo blessed this last year.  We are so thankful for our family, friends, jobs, and most of all, each other.  Can't wait to see what highlights will come for year 4! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and thanks for sharing! You two are wonderful examples for many!


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