Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Busy Little Bees

We've been busy little bees lately!

At work...


At Play...

At the fair...

At the house...

Speaking of the house... A lot has happened since my last house related post.

We tore out a concrete pad behind the house.  Which brought up a common conversation in our relationship that usually goes something like this:

Nurse: "So we have to break up all the cement?"
Nerd: "It's concrete."
Nurse: "Ok.. whatever, same thing."
Nerd: "No, not the same thing.  This is concrete, not cement. Concrete has aggregate in it, you know that."
Nurse: "ok fine, concrete!"

We have probably had the same conversation a thousand times.   Maybe for him it would be the difference between a vein and an artery.... then again, I'm pretty sure he knows the difference.  I guess that's why he's the nerd and I'm not! :-)

But I digress, see that door behind Michael?  That door is gone now.  It led into the kitchen.  We wanted to get rid of it so that we would have more cabinet space in the kitchen.  Plus, I didn't really want future kiddos running through the kitchen from outside with river juices dripping off of them. 
Boy was that a day of hard work.  We were exhausted!

Since the electrical work and plumbing was finished, we could finally re-insulate the exterior walls.   We decided to do a layer of spray foam insulation and then fill the rest of the wall depth with blown-in insulation.  Hopefully, it will make for a very energy efficient home.

And, because the insulation was installed,  we got to start hanging drywall !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 First we did all the ceilings.

We worked till the wee hours... you know, like 9:30pm. 

Then we started on the walls.

 Thanks to my Aunt Janet who helped photo-document the day so I didn't have to drop my drill to pick up a camera.

Also thanks to all the family that came to help out! 

We got a lot done, had a lot of fun, and laughed a lot.  There was a lot of screw-related humor that I'm not proud of... it got pretty bad (screw this, screw that, screw it, screwed up, screwy, screw ball.  And yes, we laughed pretty hard about "screwing in the closet".  We even briefly considered making it the blog post title, but, hey, this is a family blog.  We're keeping it clean here people.)
screwing in the closet

That's that! Once the walls are mudded and taped, I can start painting.  What?!!?! That's crazy! And awesome!

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