Sunday, October 20, 2013

Renovation Refugees

It's true.  We are now displaced renovation refugees.  People with, and without, a home.  Luckily, we have been welcomed with open arms into my parent's basement.  Thanks mom and dad.

For the last two years we have lived in a great townhouse apartment.  It has been a perfect transition place for us while we  saved for a house, house hunted, and house renovated.

Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out like we hoped and our lease is done but our house is not. 

So yesterday morning a bunch of people from our small group showed up and helped us move. Thanks so much to these wonderful people: Kara, Scott, Robin, Donovan, William, Jack, Ben, Tannen, and Michael's mom Bette.  And, of course, we had to treat these people right for sacrificing their saturday morning to help us move in the cold and rain.

Yum Yum!

 Luckily, now that our basement is without the stinky smell it used to have, we moved the bulk of our things into the basement of our house until we are ready to move in for real.

When can we move in for real?  Who knows.  I decided to stop trying to guess when we'll be ready to move in.  Because every time I do, I'm wrong.  And really, now, it doesn't matter.  We just want things to be done and done right.

Speaking of done, how are we doing on getting our to do list done?
  • Install trim on the main floor (1/3 of the way done)
  • Paint all the trim (Yet to be done)
  • Connecting our plumbing fixtures (This week)
  • Install electrical outlets and lights (This week)
  • Lay tile in the bathroom (In Process)
  • Paint (On Hold until trim is done)
  • Clean ducts and boot up our geothermal system (Next week)
  • Get one last coat of sealer on the floor (Yet to be done)
  • Move in!! (We'll see!) 
One thing I did do, that was not necessarily on the list, was decorate the front porch for fall!

I just couldn't help myself!
Happy Fall Ya'll!

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