Sunday, November 2, 2014

Blough-o-Ween 2014

I have always had an active imagination.

In fact when I was growing up, in lieu of learning my address, I just told people that I lived in a castle.  I think things like that, you just never really grow out of.  The active imagination part, not the telling people I live in a castle part.

So I don't think it should be much of a surprise to anybody to learn that I love Halloween.  It may be right up there with Christmas as one of my favorite holidays.  It's a day where even the grown ups get to play dress up and, in my mind, what could be better than that?! 

In college Michael and I really got into our Halloween costumes.
2007 - Mobster & Flapper

2008 - Purdue Grandpa & Grandma

2009 - Biker Couple (Axel & Roxi)

2010 - Russell & Mr. Fredrickson (Characters from PIXAR's "Up")
But the last couple years we haven't had the opportunity to dress up.  So we decided that as soon as it was feasible, we were just going to throw our own Halloween party in order to have an excuse to dress up.  Hence: Blough-o-ween 2014.

And what would a party be without some festive decor?! The decor inspiration all started when I found this guy (or this guy's skull) at Michael's. 
Oddly enough, for me, purchasing him was a no brainer.  I just knew, if the price was right, he was coming home with me.  I told the gal at the register, "My husband is going to hate this!"  A mischievous and defiant grin on my face, I swiftly swiped my credit card and he was mine.  And after a coat of copper spray paint (he was just plain white when I found him), he was ready to party!

And Michael did hate him... at first.  But now I think he's growing on him.   He even said once we had him set out at the party, "Yeah, I guess it does look pretty cool."

I know he does Michael. I know he does.  :-)
I had fun with the decorations but probably had even more fun planning and naming the food.  If you know me, you know I love a theme.  And I love when things play in with the theme, so all the food got to play along.
 "Death by Diabetes." Cauldron of Candy.

 "Tela de AraƱa" (Spanish for: Spider's Web... or at least that's what google said)  
Layered Mexican Dip

 Michael requested pinwheels so I told him he would have to come up with a Halloween-y name.  He came up with  "Haunted Snails."  I told him he was getting all the credit for naming that one.  :-)

"Freshly Dug Grave."  Dirt Pudding.

"Buffalo's Revenge."  Buffalo Chicken Dip.

 "Vampire Eyes."  Cherry Topped Cheesecakes. 

"Black Elixer."  Grape and Orange Kool-aid with Ginger Ale.  
"Cider Tonic."  Apple Cider. 

A note on dry ice: We bought some dry ice at the store for the cool smoky effect.  But in all honesty, it was not really worth the money.  It's quite pricey and it only smokes if you sit there and keep adding water to it.  Also if you buy it ahead of time, a lot of it sublimates (solid to gas) before you even get to use it.  We bought ours the day before the party and by the time the party came around, it was down to about half of what we had payed for.  

Themes make me happy.  So do people in costumes.  Let's take a look at these crazy characters! 

Here's the whole crew! 
Let me introduce you...
Waldo and Carmen Sandiego
Rory Gilmore
A Smurf

A Happy Clown (as opposed to a creepy clown which, in my opinion, most are.  But not this one!)

Pirates and their Parrot

African Woman

The Medical Dream Team

 And what kind of hosts would we be if we didn't bring it!
2014 - Lightning Bolt and Receiver
The best part about our costume is the fact that Michael has actually been struck by lightening! Thankfully, he fared much better than it looks like he did in this costume!

It turned out to be a great party! I loved having our friends in our home all costumed up.... even if they aren't quite as Halloween-enthusiastic as we are.  We handed out a prize for best costume (as hosts, we took ourselves out of the running).  The prize went to the pirates and parrot.  That parrot was too cute to deny, don't you think?

How was your Halloween?  It has been fun seeing all the pictures posted on Facebook! Hope you all have enjoyed this Candy Coma weekend! 

Don't miss a beat.  
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