Sunday, December 28, 2014

Laura Lately - December Edition

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas spent with family and friends.  I just got home from Michigan where I spent time with my mom's side of the family.  And turns out Santa was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by! He's so good to us and (most of) the kids were excited to see him as well.

With the new year approaching, that means this month is coming to an end and it's time for another Laura Lately.  It's a time that I share and reflect on the last month.  This one went fast!!! Can't believe we are days away from January and a new year.  

Lately I can't get enough of...


Can you believe it's kind of over?  Every year after Christmas I begin to  feel the post-Christmas blues set in... Especially when I have to start taking down Christmas decorations.  But I won't be doing that for a couple more weeks.  *Sigh* ... It always comes too soon. 

Lately I've been watching...

Every year I have a list of Christmas movies that I like to make time to watch... don't we all?  In particular: Muppet's A Christmas Carol, Little Women, Elf, The Santa Clause, and White Christmas.  I watched several of them the other week as I was decorating for and shooting our Christmas Home Tour.  It was glorious.   What's on your have-to-watch list?

Lately I've been shopping for...

Well, among all the christmas-y things... we are in a constant state of looking for furniture items.   Since we are gearing up to start on the nursery, there are some key items we are on the look out for.  Currently we use the nursery as our office/guest bedroom.  So we needed a new desk to move into our bedroom for Michael to use.  And by keeping an eye out on Craigslist, we found one that we think works perfectly!! Compact, attractive, and functional! I'll show you some other post.

Past that, we need to start looking for a crib, a changing table, a glider.... and then all the other baby related necessities that I know zero things about. 

Lately I've been munching on...

Oh my... Well 'tis the season for munching on countless good things!! There's so many yummy treats this time of year (you know who you are Eggnog!!) but there is one in particular I'd like to highlight.

We call it seafoam, crunchy candy on the inside, melt in your mouth chocolate on the outside.  I've also seen it called sponge candy, puff candy, or honeycomb candy.  It's been a family tradition for many years to indulge in seafoam at Christmas time.  We used to buy it from the South Bend Chocolate Company but the price just kept creeping up year after year... and we consume a lot!! So several years ago I was pinteresting and wondered if I would be able to find a recipe... and I did (we use this one)! So ever since then we make it a tradition to spend a couple nights in December making seafoam.  Yum!!

Lately I've been looking forward to...

Well, we're about a week away from the big day!! Next Monday we are finding out the gender of our little one (cross your fingers for no crossed legs!!) It's starting to feel real and I know it will feel even more real being able to refer to the baby as her or him.  I look forward to imagining and praying more specifically for who this one is and will be.

We have actually decided not to do a gender reveal party after much discussion and back and forth about it.  We were having too difficult of a time deciding where the line should be drawn on a guest list.  We wanted it to feel intimate and fun but couldn't help but keep expanding the guest list.  So in an attempt to simplify, we will just be creating a gender reveal picture to share.  And I will be sharing it with all of you in two know, as long as things go according to plan.  :-) 

Lately I've been thinking about... 

The thankfulness I feel for living close to family and friends.  Especially this time of year, I think we all love the idea of home.  Unfortunately for many, it can be easy to feel less than warm thoughts toward their own home and family... but everyone wants it.  Everyone wants to come to a place and be with people that feel safe and familiar.  To be loved regardless of mistakes or failings.  To be accepted and valued.  So I'm just thankful.  During a time that can be lonely for many, I'm thankful to have comfort in the company around me.

But beyond that, I started feeling like I do a very poor job of opening up my home to people who may be lonely or without family.  I very easily become selfish with my time with family and friends and don't look for opportunities to welcome others in to the warmth that I enjoy.  What would that look like, who would that look like?  I think it looks a little bit like this...

35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.’ Matthew 25: 35-40

I'm praying for a more hospitable heart and home for 2015.

Don't miss a beat.  
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