Sunday, December 14, 2014

Who would have thought...

Who would have thought that 9 years ago, a nerdy 18 year old boy would ask a talkative and excitable 17 year old girl to be his girlfriend.

Who would have thought they would have hit it off like they did.  That they couldn't help but talk way past their curfews - talking way into the future.  Always laughing and struggling to keep track of all their inside jokes.

Who would have thought that when they decided to go to different colleges, neither would regret it... even when a semester later they were together again.

Who would have thought the girl would end up at Purdue University (and love it!!)  And that her and the boy would meet some of the best friends in the world.

Who would have thought that a place like Purdue could be a place of amazing spiritual growth - for them and others.  That God could be revealed and honored in so many different and beautiful ways. 

Who would have thought that the boy and girl would get engaged and married, all before they were done with school.  And that they could work and go to school and learn how to live life as a new family.

Who would have thought they could fit their new lives into a 500 square foot apartment and love it.  And that they could find a balance in budgeting and picking out groceries.  And that, maybe, chocolate malts for dessert every night is not such a good idea.

Who would have thought that the boy would find a job back in their hometown and that their mothers would think they had won the lottery.  That the boy and girl would feel so right about moving home to be near family.

Who would have thought that their new jobs would teach them so much.  That the girl would meet some of the dearest people in her life.  That the boy would be challenged and mentored in a way he never expected.

Who would have thought they could find a church community that so closely matched their hearts. That the people there could share and walk through life alongside them.

Who would have thought that the boy would stop eating Pop-Tarts every morning for breakfast.  And that the girl would maybe miss it a little bit. 

Who would have thought that the boy and girl would buy "the little ugly one on the river."  That they would take a mess and make a home.  That they would be blessed with so many to help them along the way.

Who would have thought that 9 years later, the boy and the girl would soon be dad and mom.  That thankfulness would be pouring out of every fiber of their being.  Thankfulness for the new baby, but also thankfulness for all the time they shared leading up to this new phase.  So much thanks to God that He gave them so many memories and lessons to remember.  And thankful for the ones yet to come.

Who would have thought....


Also....Come back Wednesday because I'm going to take you all on a Christmas Home tour!  My girl Emily at Table and Hearth has organized a Christmas Decor Blog Hop.  It starts tomorrow and runs through the end of the week.  Make sure you check out all the talented bloggers who have put lots of time, creativity, and love into decorating their homes.

Monday December 15th

Wednesday December 17th

Friday December 19th

Don't miss a beat.  
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