Sunday, February 1, 2015

Laura Lately: January Edition

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!  If you know me at all, you probably know I have very little interest in sports... but I do have an interest in getting together with friends, eating foods with far too much cream cheese to be good for you, and watching fun commercials.  Although, this year, "friends" = Michael and if the baby counts, then him too.  Because right now, it looks like this outside:

Lately I can't get enough of...

The view out our front window! It's beautiful outside and we are expected to get about 16+ inches of snow by tonight! Since I have no place to go, I get to curl up with a blanket, my computer and enjoy the falling snow.  It's perfect packing snow too so I keep asking Michael if he wants to build a snowman (you know the tune).  No snowman has been built thus far.  I'll keep you posted.

Lately I've been watching...

I was all excited because I thought I read that Animal Planet would be live streaming the Puppy Bowl XI online today.  No such luck.  And with no cable in our home, I am forced to spend my day puppy-less.  But I have been enjoying watching a lot of Friends on Netflix!

Lately I've been shopping for...

BabyB! You can check out my pinterest board for all the cute cute things I've been ogling. 

We have been continuing to watch Craigslist for good deals on a changing table/buffet as well as a glider/rocker.  Nothing yet but I'm hopeful we can still score a deal in plenty of time for our little guy's arrival in May.  
Oh and this happened! The crib is in the house ya'll! That's a pretty big deal!!

Lately I've been munching on...

Chicken, Steak, Eggs, Nuts.  Lots and lots of protein.... for a healthy growing boy. 

Lately I've been looking forward to...

My birthday!! I get to turn 27 at the end of this month! I always said I felt like, for me, 27 was the perfect age to become a mom!  So I look forward to turning 27 and start this transition that will surely change my life, heart, mind, priorities, etc.. forever.  

Lately I've been thinking about...

How sometimes its easier to be a care-giver than receiver.  As a healthy 26 year old nurse, I am much more familiar with taking care of patients than being a patient.  In fact, other than going for the routine check ups, I have never really been on the other side of the scrubs.  But this last week changed that.  Long story short, I couldn't be more thankful for skilled and caring doctors and nurses. I especially am super thankful for my own coworkers who took such good care of me when I was not feeling well.  Don't worry, things are OK, just some fluky blood pressure and heart rate issues that seem to stay at bay most of the time.. and go away with rest... thankfully.  I mainly just want to write this out of a grateful heart for my coworkers who sprang into action, making me feel well cared for and reassured.  I couldn't ask for better people to care with and be cared for by. 

Don't miss a beat.  
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