Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bob Vila & Our Master Bath

Something exciting happened this week.  And it's not just the fact that I decided that I'm never too young (or too proud) to start filling in my eyebrows to make them look fabulous.

No, the exciting thing I am referring to is that Kathleen, an editor from, emailed me earlier in the week wanting more information about our Master Bath renovation.  She really liked what we did and wanted to interview me about it in order to feature it on the website.

I was surprised and thrilled to get her email, and happy to do it.

To see the article click here

Grab me a Q-tip, I got thankfulness comin' out ma ears!

Thanks Kathleen for the feature, thanks Bob for the website, and thanks to all of you wonderful readers for reading, commenting, pinning and following along.  I love keeping you all up to date on what we are doing around this little house-o-ours.

Side note: Does anyone else think of Tim the Tool Man Taylor's constant rivalry with Bob Vila, any time you hear his name mentioned... or is it just me?   #childofthe90s

For more posts on our bathroom renovation click here, here or here for the complete before and after

Don't miss a beat.  
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