Saturday, October 17, 2015

Ode to the Orchard

This time of year my heart swells to 5 times it's normal size with family pride.  And now that we have a little one, I think it's even bigger.


It's harvest season for my and many other families across the country.  Which means, long days full of hard work and skipped meals so that your family may have a farm fresh meal.

My family?  We grow mainly apples and sweet corn but we also grow peaches, pumpkins, squash, gourds, cauliflower, peppers, cabbage, zucchini, and more.  We've been in business for over 90 years.  Isn't that incredible!? I'm 5th generation which makes Abram and his cousins 6th generation.

So this time of year, my family is hard at work.  Working 12+ hour days, 7 days a week.  My dad and brother, doing what needs to be done to get the apples picked and in stores.  My mom, running our farm market and educating hundreds of local young children about the ins and outs of an apple orchard.  They work incredibly hard and sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.  Then I see all the smiling faces making lifetime fall memories by spending a day at Kercher's.  Or someone will tell me how much fun they had on their school tour with their kid and how GREAT Mrs Apple is.  (she is pretty great!...{She's my mom})

And that's why this time of year is so special.  Not only is this farm an incredibly special part of my life, it is special to many in our community who make it a point to come and visit.  My family allows others to come into our farm life and share in the special memories that can be made there.  I just love that! So if you are local, come on by and get some apples, cider, pumpkins and more.  If you aren't, find your own family-owned farm to support.  Memories are waiting to be made.

Want to come to our farm? Check us out on facebook to learn more. 

*Photo credit to my forever photographer and friend Beth Wilson

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