Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gettin' in the Mood

Bow Chicca Bow Wow! Happy Valentine's Day (weekend)!

Don't worry, the title and first line are as racy as this post is gonna get.  If that pleases you, read on.  If not, leave this blog and never return 'cause you ain't gonna get anything you're lookin for here. Weirdo!

:-) Anywho, I hope this Valentine's Day has found you spending time with someone you love whether that is your significant other, your family, or some truly wonderful friends.

Michael and I are not the biggest Valentine's Day celebrators but this year we seem to be doing a much better job.

Earlier this week I got a little bee in my bonnet and got to decorating for Valentine's Day.  I love decorating for the seasons but I usually don't do too much for minor holidays like this one, since the "season" seems so short.  But I just decided to hunt around the house and put out some love-y and sentimental things to "get in the mood". 

Normally, In the public spaces, I like to keep the pictures of Michael and I to a minimum, but our little wall in the dining room just exploded with some of Michael's and my favorite moments from our 8 years together (8=crazy!). 

I had some little hearts that I had already cut out for a future work party and I decided to put those out to reinforce the theme. I even added a couple of love notes that I had put in some frames.  

 But I didn't just limit the love to between Michael and I.  We have been trying to find a way to display things we get from other people and finally I got my card hanger out of a box from the basement and hung it up.

I also found some pink and white ribbon and I just went to town on the fireplace.

Mr. Michael surprised me with some pretty flowers and wouldn't ya know it they just fit right in too.  :-)

Michael and I spent a really casual evening at home.  I made Michael his favorite meal (beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, rolls, apple sauce, and pie) and we watched a couple of episodes of one of our new favorite show on Netflix.  Have you seen it? An Idiot Abroad.

We have never laughed so hard watching any other show! It has some language that you have to overlook, but other than that, it is great!
Update: After watching the "Brazil" episode of An Idiot Abroad, we would not recommend that episode.  Quite inappropriate and not even close to family friendly.

I also wanted to take this time to send a little love to you all! I am so glad I can connect with you through this blog!  I have found such a great support system in all of you!  I have a blast writing it and I'm glad to know it can entertain you as well.  Love you guys!

 How did you spend your Valentine's day?  Do you decorate for the season? Any Netflix shows/movies that you are lovin these days?

Don't miss a beat.  
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