Thursday, February 27, 2014

#tbt: The Return of Grandma and Grandpa Blough

Michael and I spent Sunday afternoon going through some boxes that we have been avoiding. While doing so, we came across a little gem.  A DVD from our senior year in college. 

We were involved in a Christian ministry at Purdue called The Navigators.  The Navigators always celebrate the end of the school year with a banquet where they honor their seniors.  In 2010, it was our turn.  This is Michael’s and my section of the “senior” video.  Enjoy. 

I’m blaming it on the video quality that I sound like Fran Drescher and Michael sounds like he has a terrible lisp.  However, the words, actions, and appearances?... we own entirely!
The Purdue Grandma and Grandpa in the video were actually throwbacks from a previous Halloween costume (2008, I think).
There they are, folks, the originals!

Its funny, this picture is kind of a look at the past and a look into the future! Yikes! That's scary!...scary and awesome!
Isn't it great when you can be crazy and ridiculous with the one you love?  If not them, then who?

What old pictures and videos are you rediscovering during spring cleaning?  Do you have a favorite Halloween costume from the past?  Which would you choose - the pig or the tricycle?  
Don't miss a beat.  
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  1. Cute... but your video says it's private. :(

  2. Emily! Thanks so much! I think it is fixed!

  3. Oh you guys make me laugh. I remember this couple well ;). I only hope Jonathan and I can manage to have this much fun. Now, I wonder where my video is...
    Kim W.


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