Sunday, May 18, 2014

Laura Lately

Hello there all you wonderful people, 
By now you probably already know that I try to post every Sunday evening on this here blog.  But every once in a while, life gets away from me and I am unable to get myself around and write up a post for that week.  I think many times it's because I post about projects or room reveals and that can be time consuming or slow moving, so I skip a week because I don't have anything quite post-able yet. 
So I thought, on those off weeks, I would try to come up with a type of post I could do on the fly.  Something fun, easy, and interactive.  Who doesn't like all of those things?!
So I'm calling these posts... "Laura Lately..." 

It's meant to be a snapshot of what's going on in my life right now... and I thought it would be fun to invite you all to leave a comment and tell me what you've been up to lately!
So here goes... this is what I've been up to lately. 

Lately, I can't get enough of...

Our little family of geese! They are so fluffy and I love how they waddle around. It fun to peak out our front window and see what they are up to.  Michael said one day he was leaving for work and there were 3 geese families (probably about 21 little goslings in total!) all gathered on our yard.  A play date! I can't believe he didn't get a picture. There will be no cookies for him for a month! He'll learn...

Lately, I've been watching...

The Paradise.  It starts out slow but give it a chance.  This BBC show is set at the turn of the last century in one of Britain's first department stores.  There are unfortunately only two seasons but I love the coming of age story of a young country girl who comes to the city and discovers her own entrepreneurial spirit and falls in love along the way.  I hesitate to admit it, but I am probably a little too attracted to the leading man's facial hair.  I'm sorry, I just love a well trimmed beard! Good thing my hubby has one! The first season is on Netflix if you are interested.
 paradise collage best,jpg

Lately, I'm looking forward to...

-Refinishing my dining room table.  I started it this weekend and I can't wait to share it with you all.
-Celebrating our 4th Wedding Anniversary and making our yearly photo book that reflects this last year of our married life - I mean, it probably won't be that interesting though, it's not like we've done much this year.  :-)

Lately, I've been thinking about...

What it means to find your passion.  Have you ever heard of Shauna Niequist?  I just love her writing.  She is the queen of perspective.  She has several books that I have enjoyed reading but she also has her own blog.  And whenever she posts, I read it as soon as I can.  A couple days ago she posted something about "Finding Your Passion."  It's something I have been thinking a lot about ever since, well, always. What struck me was that a "calling" does not need to be lifelong.  It can be seasonal and that really allowed me to view my current calling (nursing) with more perspective.  There were lots of other takeaways from that post and many of her other posts.  I highly recommend following her!

Lately, I've been shopping for...

-Fabric for our bedroom curtains.  Love this soft paisley by P Kaufmann
-A maxi skirt.  Could I ever possibly be as classy as Emma Watson (source) is in hers? A girl can dream.

Lately I've been munching on...

Kercher's Apple Butter with Wheat Thins.  Yum.  Another yummy alternative is peach butter with Wheat Thins.

Lately, I've been feeling...

Grateful, encouraged, and excited.  I'm grateful for all of you who read this blog and I was encouraged by all your sweet comments and words.  I was also excited to be featured on Oak and Oats (another great blog that I recommend) last week! The excitement continues as I keep writing and keep creating and keep learning!

Now it's your turn! Lately, What can't you get enough of?  What have you been watching? Looking forward to?  Thinking about?  Shopping for?   Munching on?  or Feeling?

Answer all of them or only one, I'd just love to hear from you!

Don't miss a beat.  
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