Sunday, May 25, 2014

4th Anniversary: A look back

Four years ago I put on ma weddin' dress and walked down the aisle in a little church in West Lafayette. 
 I took Michael's arm, we sang songs of praise to the Lord, Michael wiped a tear from my cheek, and we kissed for the first time as husband and wife.  It was a beautiful day full of friends, family, pictures, and peonies.  Some of my favorite things in the whole world!
So much has happened since then.  We've changed jobs, we've changed towns, we've lived in 4 different apartments/homes.  But one thing remains the same, I love this guy more every day.  He's "my top best friend," as I told him the other day.  He leads me spiritually, he makes me laugh, he teaches me things I didn't even know I was interested in learning.  He forgives me when I'm forgetful (which is often) and he does more than his fair share of the yard work... because I hate it. He is the better half and I thank the Lord for him in my life.
I love that writing this blog post allows me the chance to brag about my husband.  It is such an important part of a healthy marriage, I think.  To make sure everybody that knows me, knows how much I think of my husband! And I think a lot of him!

I also love that it is a time for the both of us to reflect on this past year and reminisce about where we have been and what we have been up to...Who we have hung with and how we have celebrated.  So here goes!.. Here are the highlights of our 4th year as husband and wife!


Demolished the interior of our home down to the studs 

(corresponding post: here, here, and here)


Visited Emily and Brittney in North Carolina 

(corresponding post: here)


Said goodbye to Michael's first car, Joyce, (I cried) and hello to his new truck, Orville



Working with so many people that mean the world to us to complete our house and make it a home 

(corresponding post: here, here, and here)

Mourned the loss of my beautiful Grandma Dorrie 

(corresponding post: here)


Visited Chicago more in one year than the rest of our lives combined


 Moved into our Home before Christmas! 

(corresponding post: here, and full house tour here)

Started enjoying hosting wonderful people at our home 

(corresponding post: here)

Made an epic trip to IKEA 

(corresponding post: here)

Survived the craziest and coldest winter we can remember 

(a high of -15, -39 with the wind chill! And So. Much. Snow.)

Laura's birthday celebrated with friends, pottery, sushi, and a sleep over 

(corresponding post: here)

Visited Jenelle and Junior in Las Vegas 

(corresponding post: here)


Became an aunt and uncle again! Welcome Baby Caroline!

Other things that have no corresponding picture:

-Living in my parent's basement for six weeks before we could moved into our home
-Michael's surprise birthday party when we ate pizza in our dust filled, incompletely renovated home
-Losing my family's dog Belle
-Started planning our trip to Alaska with the Benders

Other Snapshots to Remember:

It is exciting to think that we are embarking on our 5th year.  I'm an optimistic dreamer, so I get excited about thinking about what's ahead.  What will this year of marriage bring?  If it's anything like the last 4 years, it will bring days full of laughter, love, forgiveness, and memories with my (top) best friend by my side.  What more could a girl want? 

If you are interested, here are the highlights from last year's anniversary post. 

So how do you celebrate an anniversary?  What makes your spouse the better half? Do you have a favorite memory looking back over the year?   
Don't miss a beat.  
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  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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