Sunday, September 28, 2014

Laura Lately: September Edition

Guys.  It's been June since I did one of these! Whoah! Time certainly flies.  So lets do this thang! 
If you are new here, you may need a little introduction to what I call "Laura Lately." It is basically a time I thought we could use to connect. Think of it like we are having a cup of coffee together and catching up.  Except here's the catch: contrary to what it may seem on this blog, I'm much more inclined to be the one asking the questions than giving out the answers.  So here's the deal, I'm going to share a bit about what I've been up to lately, and I'd love to hear from you! 

So comment back with any or all of the following:
- things you can't get enough of -
- things you've been watching -
-things that you've been thinking about-
- what you're looking forward to -
- things you've been shopping for -
- what you've been munching on -
-things you've been reading-


Lately I can't get enough of..

Duh.  Fall! It's my favorite season of all... unless you count Christmas as a season (which I do), then they are tied.  One reason I can't get enough is because I haven't had enough time for it! It's been a busy couple of weeks with lots of different things, so I'm about halfway through my fall decorating and I haven't even started baking yet! But I did make some delicious soup the other day, so that's a start!

This coming weekend is the Harvest Festival at our family's apple orchard.  If you are anywhere near Northern Indiana, you should definitely come out! If not this weekend then, any weekend in October.  There's all the best things of fall: apple picking, hay rides, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, cider, mums, gourds, donuts, and of course Mrs. Apple herself!
Love her (she's my mom)!


Lately I've been watching...

The new season of some of my favorite shows have started, or are starting soon.  I'm so sad to say goodbye to Parenthood after this season.
Parenthood - Season 5 - Life Divides. Family Unites.
What a great show.  Michael and I are sure going to miss sitting down together and enjoying the laughs and tears. 


Lately I've been thinking about...

What it means to leave a legacy. 
That's me in that super awkward kid stage.  You're welcome for the inside chuckle.
My Great Great Aunt Betty Jean passed away recently.  She was a very talented artist and I was fortunate enough to inherit several of her pieces.  It's so special to have them in my home.  I look forward to enjoying them my whole life and then passing them down to my children to enjoy.   Her paintings are her legacy... they keep the memory of Aunt Betty Jean's creativity and artistry alive.  So lately, I've been wondering: does it mean to leave a legacy?  It seems like it's a bit different for each person.  It could be a beautifully curated collection of antiques, or financial wealth, or a business, or property, or community, or faith.  What will it look like to develop and pass on a legacy?  What will my legacy be?

I hope that my legacy is made of heartfelt and family-centered traditions. I hope that my legacy is a love for people the encourages and reaches out.  I hope that my legacy is a living faith in Jesus that is life directing. That sounds like my kind of legacy.  


Lately I'm looking forward to...

Parties!!  You better get your party pants on because this girl is all about the party planning! I have three parties that I'm in the midst of planning! Waahoo!  So I'll be excited to share with you as I plan a work party, Halloween party, and a bridal shower for my sister-in-law.  Eeek! Soooo excited! 


Lately I've been shopping for...

A new computer.  We have been using the same computers since we graduated High School.  High School.  (that's almost 9 years!) But I ain't complaining! Our Dells have been faithful servants to us for a long time, but they are showing their age and it's time to move on to thinner and faster things.
I'm looking at either a Macbook Pro or Air.  Any advice out there?! Anyone want to talk me out of a Mac?


Lately I've been munching on...

Campin' Food! Last weekend we went camping with our friends the Benders (who we went to Alaska with... I guess they aren't sick of us yet!) and got to experience a weekend of Glamping in their camper! It was so fun and we ate so many delicious meals cooked over the fire! Including this mouth-watering concoction that we called a Mexi-Skillet!

Chorizzo, potatoes, onion, peppers, black beans, eggs-all topped off with Emily's homemade guacamole, salsa and pepperjack cheese.  To. Die. For.  


Lately I've been reading...

Attention! This is one of my favorite books.  Ever.  I knew I would like it...I just wasn't expecting to get so much out of it.  I think it would be fun to write a post about it sometime.  Maybe I will.  But don't wait for that.  If you want to feel inspired by the home you have, not the home you want, and want to find contentment and peace when it comes to developing a home, read this book! Read it and have a friend read it.  It's so good. 

So now it's your turn! What can't you get enough of?  What have you been watching, eating, reading and munching?  What are you looking forward to? What's been on your mind? I'd love to hear about it! 

Don't miss a beat.  
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1 comment:

  1. Shams stock analysis

    There are many expectations for a decline in Shams stock when the resistance is fixed at 187.15 riyals. It is observed in the charts of Shams Company shares that one of the shares is trending upward after the end of its corrective movement at the level of 31 riyals.
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    The stock completed its upward movement and recorded its first peak at the level of 143.27 riyals, after which it recorded a decline to the level of 103.69 riyals, and from this level it rose to the highest level it reached at 240.60 riyals, and then declined and the current price of the stock stabilized at the level of 180.20 riyals. .

    The price of Shams stock is currently changing, and if its movement remains below the resistance area of ​​187.15 riyals, Shams stock will return to resume its corrective movement to reach the 158 riyal areas.

    Technical indicators indicate a continuation of the negative results of the movement of the Relative Strength Index, and this increases expectations and confirmation of the negative outlook that was suggested, and the positivity of stocks when they penetrate the resistance area is 187.15 riyals.


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