Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Time I Bought a Teepee...

If you follow me on instagram, you may have seen that last weekend Michael and I met up with some friends at an auction.

Michael LOVEs auctions.  It's a sport to him.  He gets a thrill out of the competition of it all.

I'm more like "eh".  If I like something, I like to know what the price is, decide if I want to own it, buy it and be done.

But what I DO love is hanging out with friends and getting smoking deals for things.  And this auction had all of that.

I swear, every time we turned around we saw somebody else we knew! It was awesome!

Anywho, would you like to see what we brought home with us?...

The title wasn't lyin', we bought a teepee!!

Super cool, huh?!
You might be thinking, "why?!" And my answer, of course, would be.. "Why not?!"

I totally fell in love with it as soon as I saw it! And we almost missed out on the bid, but our friend Scott saved the day! He knew we wanted it and we weren't anywhere to be seen, so he bid on it for us.  $15!! I don't want to jump the gun in saying that it's the best $15 I ever spent but, isn't it?

We can see it in the corner of a kids room someday or in a playroom.  But before all that happens down the road, we just thought it would be a quirky item that our niece and nephew would have fun with now. 

I would have been happy to call the day a success at the teepee - It was absolutely the buy of the day - but we scored even more good stuff that day.

Three Sawhorses for $7.  We could always use more sawhorses. 

And also..

This little side table for $25.  Isn't she sweet?  I really like the interesting lines and the rope like legs.  Kind of nautical feeling which I'm always a fan of! I have plans to give this little gal a coat of paint.  Maybe navy!

We also bought this coffee table! Check out the drawers! I love that it has storage!!  Although, I'll admit, it does need a little work.  It's pretty scratched up and that bottom scroll-y piece is coming off for sure.  But other than that I think it is a really great piece!  I love the scale of it in the room.  I think it's much better compared to what we had before.  I am thinking about refinishing it similar to how I refinished my dining room table - stained top, green antiqued paint on the bottom.  But I'm open to other suggestions if you guys have some ideas!

So that's the gist of what we got at the auction! But more than that we got to hang out with a couple of our friends from small group, some other church friends, work friends, and some other friends we haven't seen in years! It was a Saturday well spent!

But ma recent deals haven't stopped there! The other day I stopped by my favorite local thrift shop called Home Again and found this little number.

 So cute and I love anything caned!  See the fun texture in the picture below? I love it!  I can't remember exactly what I paid for it but I don't think it was much over $20. 

I also have been waiting for these guys to go on sale at Kohls (online it says they are currently unavailable but they had quite a few in stock in the store). 
And it just so happened to work out that we got a 30% off coupon in the mail a week or so ago.  Double score! So we got these storage ottomans for about $50 bucks each... and knowing that you can easily spend more than $100 on one makes this girl feel pretty fantastic!
 I love a collected home, one that grows over time.  I'm all about finding furniture that come with stories.  Yes, stories and teepees! :-)

Don't miss a beat.  
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