Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Couples Shower

I love planning showers.  It is such a fun way to love on people and provide a way for others to love on them too.

So when my sister-in-law got engaged over the summer, I jumped at the opportunity to throw them a shower.

They requested a couple's shower - something I have never done before.  I was surprised at how challenging it was to find a way to make it appealing for both men and women.  Plus it was for both sides of the family - being that Jenelle and Jr were only in town for a short time and won't be back until the wedding.  The shower then became a very efficient way to shower them with gifts and congratulations and for them to catch up with extended family and friends.

To keep the food fun and appealing to everyone, I decided to create a food table full of Jenelle and Jr's favorite foods. 
It then made sense to make it into a fun little game that would be quick and easy.  Plus, although there are many shower games out there, not all of them are good options for a couples shower.  I was worried about finding a game that the men would be willing to participate in, this turned out to be a good one though. 
For a prize that appealed to the masses, and as a nod to the couple's current city of residence - Las Vegas, we gave away a handful of scratch-off lottery tickets to the winner.  

Except, really, everybody wins when you get to indulge in these goodies...

Jenelle had also mentioned that another one of her favorites foods was apples ( I've got a pretty sweet connection to getting my hands on some apples).  So I decided to give away apples as the favors... Something everybody could enjoy.

And for the tables we decorated them with burlap table runners, mason jars, baby's breath, and lace bows.
$$ Saving Tip: Save money on lace by going to Goodwill and purchasing a lace tablecloth or curtain and then cut it into strips.  Super easy way to score lots of lace for a couple dollars.  Also, I bought the burlap at Hobby Lobby and used the weekly 40% off coupon.  I got 12 yards for less than $30. 

One of my favorite parts of the day was having Jenelle and Jr play The Shoe Game.  Have you heard of it?  I think it is gaining popularity and people are even playing it at their receptions.  Here's a bunch of YouTube video clips if you are interested to see how its played. 

It ended up being a really fun game that was entertaining to everybody and kept the focus on the couple.  A perfect game for a couples shower, in my opinion.

So I couldn't have done it without the help of my mother-in-law, Bette, and cousin Ashlee! They were huge helps!  I hope Jenelle and Jr felt loved and encouraged and were able to get all their gifts safely back to Vegas!

So that concludes my three week party marathon! It was fun while it lasted but now I'm glad I have a couple weeks break before the holidays start rolling in. 

Don't miss a beat.  
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