Sunday, November 23, 2014

Announcing Our Next Big Project

It's a pretty big day here on the blog.  Who's ready for a big announcement!?

Get your announcement pants on because here it comes...

Many of you have been with us from the beginning of this major renovation of our home.  It has been awesome having your support and enthusiasm to keep us going.  So thank you so much!!

But now it's time for us to let you in on the next big project we have coming down the line.

Surprise! It's true! Baby Blough is due May 28th, 2015.  I am SO excited to finally put our news out there and share it with all of you.

Thanks to my good friend Beth Wilson who was our photographer for the pregnancy reveal pictures.  (She's a super talented photographer out of Lafayette.  Check out her website.  She does travel too, so if you're in need... look her up!) 

We have had the luxury of slowly revealing our news to our close friends and family over the last couple months.  Which has been SOOOO much fun.  And we are so thankful for the outpouring of excitement, support, advice, and overall enthusiasm we have received.  But now it's time for everybody to know!...That means you wonderful people!

When you reveal such news, inevitably the same questions come up, so I thought I would go through and list those FAQs here to answer some of your burning questions...


Pregnancy FAQs


How far along are you?

I'm 13 weeks, just starting the second trimester.

How are you feeling?

I'm always really touched when/how often people ask this question.  Overall, I'm feeling great.  The first trimester was fairly uneventful, thank goodness.  I had several weeks of very mild nausea.  The only difficult symptoms I had to deal with was the fatigue.  I pretty much could nap as soon as I woke up in the morning, and sometimes I did.  :-D It also did not help that I was working nights during that time.   I have since moved to a day shift position and am starting to get some energy back... just in time for the holidays, which is a huge relief!  I would say I haven't noticed too many crazy pregnancy mood swings.  Although. I did just cry during a Coca Cola commercial a little bit ago... and also a Folgers commercial yesterday.... :-)

Will you be finding out what you are having? 

We will be finding out what we are having.  Sometime after Christmas or the New Year.  And we WILL be letting you know! So you guys can look forward to that along with us! 

Do you have names picked out? Are you sharing them?

We have a very good idea of the names for whether it's a boy or a girl.  We have decided to hold off on revealing the name though, until we can introduce our new little one to the world properly. 

Do you have a feeling as to whether it's a boy or a girl?  What do you hope it is?

We don't really have a feeling either way as to what we are having,  nor do I have a hope either way.  Since it's our first, it doesn't really matter.  Of course, really, our main hope is that it's healthy. 

Are you getting excited to plan a nursery?  Do you have lots of ideas?!

Of course!! I wouldn't be me if I didn't!
I really like the idea of an outdoorsy, camping, Boy Scout type nursery for if it's a boy.  Michael was an Eagle Scout, and loves to camp so I think that would be so fun to do.  Or if it's a girl, I got the idea the other day to do an Anne of Green Gables themed nursery.  You know, vintage country with a dash of Victorian girly-ness.  I think it could be really sweet.  But we have also considered doing an "UP" themed room too, since we are such big fans of the movie.  I don't know! We'll see! That will be our winter project once we find out what we are having!


So that's that! Finally you are all in on the news!  Hardest. Secret. Ever. 

We are getting excited and can't believe how quickly things have gone already! Before we know it, I'll have a belly the size of a watermelon and then we'll have a baby! Crazy!

But more on this another day.  Mama's gonna go take a nap! :-)

Don't miss a beat.  
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