Sunday, March 1, 2015

Laura Lately: Golden Week Edition

Hi everybody! February is over but that's not all... It's what I'm calling my Golden Week!

Because for this week, my kiddo and I are 27 weeks and 27 years old, respectively! Yes, today and yesterday I am celebrating turning 27.  (Since there is no February 29th this year, I celebrate my birthday on both February 28th AND March 1st.)

So happy non leap year everybody! And happy non birthday to me!

The Golden Week.  Normally during Laura Lately posts, I post about this last month and what I've been watching/reading/eating/thinking/feeling/looking forward to... but this month I thought I'd catch ya'll up on more pregnancy related happenings. 

Also, in celebration of the golden week, I decided it was high time for a bump picture.  I have been getting a number of requests... and you gotta give the people what they want! So here ya go!

Bump.  In yo face.  There's no hiding it!

But really, who'd want to?

I guess these ladies....!
click for source
Although, $1.79 for a "blue fancy smock"?.. I may be able to be talked into that.  ;-) 

Lately I've been feeling...

Great! My blood pressure has been good (we've been keeping our eye on it as I had a couple of episodes of elevated blood pressure at work a while back).  Thanks to all those who I've asked to be praying for that.  It's working!! 

Lately I've been asked....

If we are sharing our boy's name.  We are not.  It's something we decided to keep to ourselves until we can formally introduce him to the world.  But we do have it picked out.  

Lately I've been advised to...

Not go snowmobiling. :-( 
And let Michael do more laundry. :-)

Lately I've been worried about...

Getting all the nursery in order before he gets here! We made some BIG progress this weekend on the nursery though, so I'm beginning to feel more at ease about it.  

Lately I've been excited about....

Meeting our little man.  For so long, 40 weeks has seemed so far away but now that it is getting closer (and I'm feeling more and stronger kicks) I am getting more excited to start getting to know who this little guy is... and kiss on some fat baby cheeks!

Crazy how time flies! Next week I will officially reach the 3rd trimester. 

Which is for real crazy. And weird.  And great.  All of which are the three of my most frequently used words to describe being pregnant and on the brink of becoming a mom. 

Um.. also, super excited to be back next week to show you all the bookcase we built! I'm working hard this week to get it painted! 

Don't miss a beat.  
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