Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Laura Lately: March Edition

Hi everybody! Welp, there goes March... and here comes spring! That means that the temperatures are getting warmer and my belly is getting bigger! So lets do a little recap as to what I've been up to lately. 

Lately I can't get enough of...


Who am I!? I don't think I've ever said that in my life! 

I just really have hit a major nesting streak that has motivated me to mop, dust, clean, etc.
Next up? Windows! I think that since we are about two months out from a lot of craziness, I am trying to find some peace and cleanliness around the house. 

Lately I've been watching...

I've always been into American History, so it doesn't surprise me much that I've been really into some of the History Channel documentaries on Netflix.
In particular,  The Men Who Built American (about the great -and at times not so great- euntrapenuers of the industrial age).  Michael and I are super into it.  The vision and ambition of these men is amazing! And it's highly entertaining the way their stories intertwined and created the America that we know today. 

Lately I've been shopping for...

I've been working hard to update our baby registries and make sure we have what we need on there... but not more than we really need.  It's a hard balance, you know?  Plus, I have no idea what we need for the most part, so that's challenging.  Other than that, we have finally purchased most of the big items for the nursery: light, rug, glider, ottoman, changing table.  I'm excited to update you on all of that next week!


Lately I've been munching on...

Some of you may have seen via instagram that my mom came over this week to teach me her spaghetti sauce recipe.
Every weekend that I work, we have a carry-in.  It was my turn to supply the main dish and I really wanted to bring in something delicious and hearty.  And all I could think of was lasagna.  In particular, my mom's lasagna.  Which gave me a perfect excuse to finally learn the secrets to how my mom makes the most delicious sauce and lasagna.  I don't know if you know this but I'm going to be a mom soon too, so I should know things -like how to make a delicious lasagna. 


Lately I've been looking forward to...

April Showers! And not the kind that require an umbrella! I am lucky enough to have three showers coming up in the month of April and I really can't wait! I just love a good shower... the games, the food, the fun, and hey, I'll admit it.. the presents!  I've been doing a really good job of not buying clothing for our little guy! I've only bought two things.  Two! One onesie and one pair of shoes.. because, um.... little shoes!!

Lately I've been thinking about... 

I'm going to be honest here.  If you would ask me if I am excited for this little guy's arrival, I would say "Oh yes, of course!"  But I figured out that, for me, being excited about becoming a mom is kind of on the same lines as being excited to start a new job.  I'm excited in theory, but sometimes the reality of it - the parts of motherhood that I know are coming and that are easier for me to understand- doesn't get me excited.  I don't truly understand the overwhelming and deep love that I'm told I will undoubtedly experience.  But what I do understand is sleep deprivation, a crying baby, and a new overwhelming sense of responsibility.  So I'm praying that everyone is right.... that my motherly instinct to love above any level of difficulty will kick in. 

But I will say, that as time has been coming closer to our due date, I have felt myself feeling more and more bonded with the idea that this little man is our son, and I'm his mom.. and that is something very very special. So I guess it's a lot of mixed emotions, which I'm assuming is normal.  Right?

Lately I've been posting about....

In case you missed these March posts:
5 Things I learned When I Made a DIY Chalkboard
Bob Vila & Our Master Bath
Our First Built In Bookcase
Golden Week
Don't miss a beat.  
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